Who am I?

My name is Connor Nevitt and I always wanted to be a writer. Some of my earliest memories were of playing outside with only my imagination to entertain me. Creating art has always guided me, whether through lighting design, acting, or writing. Much of my younger life was spent as a stagehand, but I filled notebooks full of stories when I wasn’t working on lights.

I enrolled at the University of Evansville in 2019 to pursue theatre. However, when we returned to campus after the COVID-19 lockdown was lifted, I found myself gravitating towards the English department more than I did for my home department. Eventually I decided to transfer to the University of Illinois Chicago to get my English BA and use the vast resources of the city to my advantage.

I currently work as a freelance stagehand outside of UIC while continuing to work on my writing. My work as a stagehand allows me to mold my work schedule show by show to fit into a changing school schedule. I have found that this balance gives me the fulfillment I need to continue writing, even after long days.

I bring fantastical worlds to life.

These are some of my favorites:

Charon Road

When two unfortunate souls end up on a never-ending road, they’ll have to work together and confront their worst nightmares.

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Case: 2901

During a routine investigation, Detective Grant falls deep into the rabbit hole of how strange his small town really is.

The Choice

Would you let your mom die in agony or put her out of her misery? In this short film adaptation, John has to make a terrible choice.

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Just a normal day at the office. Clock in, change into your uniform, and…dump possessions into a deep pit of carnivorous bugs. Don’t fall in.

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